cunfused && lonely

September 07 2005
have you ever felt like you cant get over tha one that hurt you tha most... even though you want to get over them you just cant let them go.. seing them with someone else would hurt you even if you was with somebody else too!! I cant seem to get over him I feel like i have lost tha perfect guy for tha rest of my life....

There will always be that one guy where
no matter how much he hurts you you'll
never be able to let HIM go

Garrett Haynes

September 07 2005
hmmm i think you should read my post on september 1st it really applies to what your talking about here.

Garrett Haynes

September 07 2005
well sorry that u didn't understand that but it basically says that we need to trust GOD with everything...including our love lives. We have to be comepletely satisfied with only having God first in our lives, and then He will give us the desires of our heart. I know that is really hard to do or whatever, but its something to think on.

Garrett Haynes

September 07 2005
yeah i mean i feel bad for you but in all due respect this is high school...relationships come and go. One thing I can't stand to see is when people are torn up b/c there b/f or g/f broke up with them. Really, its not worth it. I haven't dated anybody in my entire highschool career, and its not b/c i'm too shy, not b/c i'm ugly, its b/c i'd rather see what God has in store for me than try to do things my own way.

Abby Dee

September 07 2005
yep.. i've pretty much given up on guys.. relationships are too much work >_< :ouch: ((don't worry, babe, you'll get over him -promise-))

Abby Dee

September 07 2005
:tinks:..... uh-oh... T/B?

Abby Dee

September 07 2005
oh wow... i had a feeling you two were "something" but i wasn't sure. =/ don't worry, sweets, it'll be just fine in the end.

Paul Morgan

September 07 2005
I know your sister??? Who is she

Jessica Hunter

September 07 2005
no u dont got ur site from Chris Slates