February 19 2006

Yesterday, I got to wake up to the most wonderful sight here in Murfreesboro- snow.  It's been so long since I actually took the time to really appreciate the beauty that is snow.  I always complained about it (too cold, I don't want to get frostbite, etc.), but I now realize how beautiful snow really is.  It makes every look clean and pure.  It makes it seem as if the world has been given a clean slate to start all over again, and hopefully not make the same wrong decisions. 

That's what I love about waking up each and every morning.  Don't get me wrong, I am nowhere near a morning person, early morning for me is 8 or 9 am.  But waking up gives me a chance to really meditate, spend time with God and myself and start anew... a clean slate.  I guess the snow reminds me of that, the clean slate all Christians get in the morning and every day that they live for Christ. 

 I believe that it's always nice to know where you're going in life,  but sometimes you just have to remember to stop trying to take the reins.  My life is like that, I am constantly reminding myself that it's not MY car to drive (plane to fly, boat to steer, whatever your analogy be), I'm just the passenger watching out the window, trying to remember the directions.  But then again,  I don't necessarily need to remember all the directions all the time, because I have someone who is reminding me each step of the way. 

Wow, tangents of all tangents.  I start out talking about the beautiful snow and end up talking about driving and giving up the wheel to God. 
