A new day

January 11 2006

I haven't updated in awhile. Yesterday was a good day- I found out that I got accepted to go to SEPA. So in March, Charles and I will go to Atlanta. Then in May we will be going to Missouri (God willing!) to see my brother get ordained as a Deacon.

I have a ton of school work that I need to be doing. Tomorrow there is a meeting about the research that took up sooooo much time last semester. I hope we decide not to continue the research- I will survive if we do, but it would be better for me thesis-wise if we choose not to continue this.

Frodo and Kenobi are doing well- last night they stayed in the same room for a few hours, and they both survived. I was trying to sleep at the time, and at one point, for a couple of minutes, they were both laying on the bed with me. :) Total cuteness!

Well, there's no more news. No news is good news, right? Hope everyone else is doing well! :)

Sarah Vermillion

January 11 2006
What's SEPA?


January 11 2006
Oh, it's the Southeastern Psychological Association. They have an annual conference. Sounds nerdy, doesn't it? :) Thanks for asking!