i love fall break :)

October 09 2005
hello from eaton rapids, michigan! it's cold here. but i s'pose it's cold at olivet too. crazy northern states. i love it tho
i have recently realized that i have become the biggest wuss of all time. (is that how you spell wuss???) my friends from high school would be so ashamed of me... i would never make it through nashville's haunted prison. how sad. darin, brady, kady, and i went to this haunted apple orchard thingy... and i back out. even cried. BUT, to my credit - i went through a corn maze! do you know what that means?? i am terrified of corn fields. in the light. much less the creppy dark. this was a big deal. so am i really a chicken? not totally. just partially. i'm like artificial chicken i guess.
see ya

Carla Simpson

October 09 2005
hehe...you're an artificial chicken! i don't know why i thought that was so funny but i did... :D

Carla Simpson

October 09 2005
"If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what one thing would I bring: satin" ^^^ok so i DIED laughing at that! only you would remember that about me cassie! and what's this memory about the bathroom and it's knowledge?? i remember the huge bug in the hallway that we made such a big deal about, but not the bathroom's knowledge


October 09 2005
Corn fields would freak me out too. Remember catching a glimpse of the alien in the corn field in Signs?

Carla Simpson

October 10 2005
HAHA!!! ok ok ok i got it now! i was thinking about that just the other day actually....i miss you!

Matt Beard

October 10 2005
wartrace has an awesome haunted cornfield maze thing every halloween. u should definitely check it out. and whatdya mean u couldn't make it through the haunted prison? what has happened to you? remember the clowns..... i do have a confession tho, me and clagg knew that clowns freaked u out so we tipped off the clowns at the haunted house.

Susan Bailey

October 14 2005
Today is the first time I've looked at phusebox in a couple months, so I just saw the comment you left me last month (thanks! I am so excited to go to the passion conference. I have been anticipating it since I left last year!) and the post you last wrote...you bless me more than you know! I will continue to be praying for you and the ways you serve the Lord. You are an amazing and inspiring woman of God! I always like to catch up and see what God has been doing in your life...I'm glad we do! I will see you at Passion '06 if not before then!