spontaneous prayer

October 05 2005
so... fall break is a day away and i can definitely feel it. i love how every prof likes to pile it on before breaks. this week has been insane. and it's not going to stop tonight. i cannot wait until tomorrow is OVER!
but anyway... that is not what i logged in to say...
tonight i cried. ok. i cry often right now for some reason, but it was a good cry. check this out:
i have been having the hardest time with these two projects for my visual literacy class. it really shouldn't be this difficult, but it's just been unbelievable.
enter - susan bailey.
now, susan and i rarely talk. we occasionally leave each other messages or quick updates on lives, but it's not an every day occurance - not even every week. she hasn't heard about my issues lately. but i had an away msg up about being frustrated with my stupid projects, and when i come home at midnight, this is what i found on my screen:
Dear Lord, please bless Cassie as she works on her projects and give her strength and peace as she finishes them. Thank you for Cassie and the joy she brings to all who know her :-) In Jesus' name, Amen.
that's it. that's all she wrote. and is that not incredible? susan is amazing. that's twice recently that someone has just instantly prayed for me like that and i cannot even explain how awesome that feels! it's a habit i definitely need to pick up.
just wanted to share :)


October 06 2005
That is incredible.

Carla Simpson

October 06 2005
aww yay for susan!