CrAzY life!

October 22 2005

So.  this is the new phusebox, huh?  i haven't really even had a chance ot check it out... very nice!
my life is absolutely insane right now.  but i love it!  awesome awesome things happening!  here's the rundown...

  • YoungLife is great this year - i am lovin it!  God has really given me a peace and stregth for it!  My talk this week went well - thanks for your prayers!  it keeps me really busy tho - i'm gonna try to keep going to campaigners on monday, then there's leader meetings on tuesdays, and club on wednesdays.  not to mention that the past few fridays have been spent up there as well (we do younglife 30 miles away)  it's a lot!  but it's gooood!

  • darin was hired at our church to run the sr high youth group!  so i am his sidekick!  i teach sunday school every week and help him out on sunday nights... it's a blast!  and a great opportunity!  it came out of nowhere but i absolutely love it!  they've never really had a youth group before, so we just made everything up!  it's crazy for me to think that we're doing all that as seniors in college!  definitely a God-thing!

  • i'm pretty far into my practicum at Bradley Bourbonnais Community High School.  it was scary to actually teach the other day - i just can't believe that this class of juniors was completely in my hands!  and i'm teaching the sophomores on monday!  it's so fun!  my teacher is great - he has 2 reg eng classes but then he also has journalism, creative writing, and broadcasting!  so i'm learning a lot about putting together a newspaper and how they run their school tv program!  when on earth did i become this adult in the real world??

so that's my crazy life.  that takes up 5 nights a week for sure, sometimes more.  not to mention 18 hours of classes and 10 hours of regular work!  thursdays are reserved for planning the upcoming weekend at church - so that pretty much leaves saturdays!  IF nothing else has overflowed onto them!  the past couple saturdays i went to chicago with darin - my absolute favorite thing to do!  so there's still a little time for careless fun! 
all this to really say that i'm really sorry if i'm not keeping up with you!  i can't even keep up with my friends here on campus!  so don't be afraid to send me an email or call me yourself!  i miss you all!  and love you very much!  i'm coming home *i think* november 11, but it'll just be a short trip!  catch me then!

**4 weeks till ARUBA!!**

Sherri Shouse

October 22 2005
cassie i am so glad things are going well with young life this year! it sounds like you've found your place:)

Carla Simpson

October 22 2005
wow're not allowed to be that grown up! >:( also, you should come home the weekend before thanksgiving...b/c that's when my recital is! nov 20, sunday at 5!

Matt Beard

October 24 2005
sounds busy. what is young life? wish i could be home for nov 11, i'll be 22. how is it even possible that i'm allready almost 22??