i love sundays!

September 04 2005
gettin back into the swing of things at work is difficult after being on vacation for so long. i'm excited about it all though. tomorrow is labor day but i've gotta go into the office cuz i took saturday as my vacation day instead. i did that cuz katie was in town. it was great having someone around that really knows me. it was sad walking out of the airport to the bus and knowing that it would be a while before i see her again. and i started to think about all of the people i miss right now. but then i also remembered where i was at and what i was doing and then all i could think about was how much there is to look forward to in the future.

with katie in the city, we did a LOT of walking. a good 7-10 miles both friday and saturday, with a few more miles today before she left. saw a lot of the city i've seen before, as well as many other parts for the first time. oh, there's a walgreens at the bottom of the empire state building...who knew! i also did some shopping since this past week was the 'tax free' week here. had dinner on saturday night at the espn zone, yummy food and lotsa football. today for lunch we ate at cafe rakka in the east village. the best falafel i've had!

whew, with all that said...i was pooped when i finally made it back to my apt this afternoon. so...i slept a bit. and now i need to get some work done-yuck. oh, the next five months at graffiti will be very interesting. with taylor and susan gone, everything that is talked about on sunday mornings will point to "graffiti-a church that serves." i knew several churches had grown out of graffiti, but didn't know much more than that general statement. today i learned that those churches include:

mosaic manhattan-young professional church located around ground zero
lighthouse church-chinese church in the east village
journey-young professional church located in midtown
creator's circle-native american church
graffiti 2-for the lower income in the south bronx
underground church-a church for the hardcore metal/punk rockers in the city
tribe-a church for the community of artists, musicians, performers in the east village
shuar adonai-a chuch for the jewish in lower manhattan

this just proves how great God really is. and how God can work when people seek after and follow God's leading. it's very encouraging to see results. and it's also just a small reminder to continue to trust God to work when it is impossible to do on our own.

and i'm out on that note...