i'm waiting

August 12 2005
it's late friday night/early saturday morning...however ya want to look at it. i spent all day friday alone in my apartment. no, please don't pity me, it was wonderful! God is amazing and is always speaking, just sometimes it's hard to hear. i posted the verses psalm 27:13-14. in most places but especially here in the city, it's easy to get caught up in the idea that things have to be moving forward constantly or nothing will happen. sometimes God calls us to just wait. wait for the Lord . another verse i came across dealing with this is isaiah 30:18. it says:

yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you;
He rises to show you compassion.
for the Lord is a God of justice.
blessed are all who wait for Him !

i have good plans for myself. but God has the best plan for me if i will just wait for the Lord . i have to wait . i need to wait . i want to wait . i can wait because God is in control.