my new baby

August 03 2005
yesterday my pastor, taylor, made the jenny! you really had the favor of God on you today!

and well, i feel like i have for the past two months. things have been incredibly awesome up here. i love everything that i do-everyday. this whole tlj thing was such a difficult decision to make-it was so hard to walk through that door. but now that i'm on the other side, i can't even imagine what my life would be like had i not followed God. reflecting on the devotion i did for revolutions the other week-i had good plans for my life, but God had better plans. and i can honestly say that i'm right in the middle of God's will for my life. and THAT is what has made the past two months incredibly awesome.

so yesterday i got a new laptop-long time coming! i love my little sony vaio :) and since we'll be using for stuff at church, i even got the tax a free photo printer. i spent 3 hours witnessing to the guys at circuit city. so i was able to walk away from the store with not only my latest investment but also knowing that God used me to get these guys thinking about spiritual matters. then had dinner last night with nikki and iris. those are two very funny ladies, and i know they'll be a big help with this up-and-coming young adult ministry at graffiti. and i'll end on that note, even though there's so much more to say.