Lori Mangum


Relationship Status


crossing over...

October 26 2005
This came to mind as I was thinking about a friend of mine who is flirting with the world... It's easier to fake worldly happiness than it is to fight for the real thing. So, what triggers the switch in momentum away from yourself to Jesus? Wish I knew, but I'm guessing that it's part of the God drawing us to Him until He reveals Himself in an unmistakable way, leaving us to reject or fall face down in His presence mystery. So, I'll be on my knees for this nameless "friend" eagerly awaiting the day when he can relish in the freedom that comes from submission to the Lord, that he could never get while loosely living in this world. The chains of emptiness are heavy, but our God's burden is easy and light! Praise Him! Sorry for the run-ons...I write the way I think...that's not neccessarily coherent in the technical composition department...

