Details of last night...

January 21 2006
Ok, so many of you were wondering what happened last night, so here it is.

My church was having a create-a-date college social around K-town. So my group thought that we would be creative and light the rock on fire. And we did and got caught. And Scholes and I got arrested, the four girls got let go. I spent the night in jail until about 3:30 am, when finally they let us go to my College Pastor. God was definitely working late last night and early this morning, to keep us safe. And he did. I did not have to pay bail because the church knows one of the UTPD officers and he and Joe worked all night to get us out. Bless the Knox County Commmisioner for letting us not pay our bail. I have court on the 30th of Jan. where I should be put on probation. And then I will return to court and get it taken off my record. God is really looking out for us because he already has us a lawyer from the church, that is going to stand with us at both trials.

The only thing that I am really worried about is the student judiciary
(sp*) commmitee, because they have the power to kick me off campus, or more than likely they will just put me on probation and have to do some community service or something. I dont know and I am a little worried about it. So if you could pray for the girls (they have to go to the student commitee too), Scholes (for his record), and me (for my record, student commitee) that would be really great. I love you guys.

In Him,
Jason Thacker


January 21 2006
*rolls eyes* what are we gonna do w/ u? i guess i love you anyways...and you've already gotten my opinion on tha phone


January 21 2006
dude, what a story! you're gonna tell that one for a while! ill be prayin for everything, love you bro...


January 21 2006
Stories for the grandchildren.

kyle cantrell

January 21 2006
*claps* I never figured you would be the first one of us ot get arrested but MAJOR kudos for it all. At least your not in jail right now and we didn't have to bail you out..


January 21 2006
oh man. i'm glad your safe.

Megan Polis

January 21 2006
This will be one of those stories you tell you kids, then your grand kids, like my grandmother went to tulane in new orleans, and she was part of a group that stole the LSU tiger, and she still loves to tell the story!


January 21 2006
i love it jason!!! what a story! lol!!! ill be praying for you when you go front of those people!!!


January 21 2006
i don't know you ~ but i am highly amused

Emilio Estevez

January 22 2006
i can relate to this. I'm sure you heard about Thomas Ralls and myself somehwere through the grapevine. You shouldn't worry about the court stuff. You did no damage to any personal property that you cant really get fined. It also isnt a felony unless its more the $500 worth of you are pretty much alright.


January 22 2006
Do you have pictures of the rock?