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November 10 2005

As I sit here tonight I realize that the advice I have to offer means absolutely squat if God is not real in my life but there is good news he is real because he has risen.. Sometimes I think about all the lost people and the sad part is I feel absolutely no urgency to share the gospel and you know what that is its apathy... an absolute witness killer apathy is so big now it can control our lives and minds and we seem not to even care... I don't know what to do and I wish I did...but I realized through christ I can do all things (in matthew) and he can change that attitude of laziness that is inside of our hearts if we just ask him to help us fill that need of urgency... I just hope someone can relate to what I am saying we (I) need to step up and be bold and share the love of christ with people who need to hear it and I hope everyone has a wonderful night and I will talk to you guys soon

                                                      IN CHRIST john


November 10 2005
amen john amen ... yes i am feeling the same way... you are so cool .:) -Liz


November 10 2005
Praise God , Amen haa..... Yeh I am one of those kinds of people who like arent really shy , and I like confront people all the time and not get embarrased, but I use to be like that , were I was kind of shy in a way with the subject of sharing gods word, but ever since my first youth group mission trip , I havent been scared to confront people and try to spread his word, but I can totally understand what u mean :) -sarah-


November 11 2005
ehh... It was alright, I guess, but I'm sick and it really sucks. lol How about yours?


November 11 2005
inhaling chlorine, lol.


November 11 2005
We've been swimming in gym at school, and we had to do "rhythmic breathing" took me awhile to get the whole concept, lol, so I ended up breathing in lots of water n stuff.


November 14 2005
JOhn .... you are not cool anymore.. and you missed out on a good laguna Beach ..i almost cried... ok .. bye ! - LiZ


November 14 2005
hahahha .. loser pants.. ahhhaha .. john ... your funny : ) <3 - eliz :)