
September 27 2005
HeY hEy KidS!?!
How WaS yOuR dAy ToDaY??? Today was GreaT! I love skool.. :) ahh its lOvElY
ThAnkS sooo much for those remarks..you all are the best!
OmGoOdnEsS! dO yOu gUyS kNow wHo is AwEsOme....well gUeSS...ok come on..... ok well Its LINdS..wow that CHIcK is HilAriOus! She came Over today and let me tell you..sHes CrAzAy! lOl..bUt AwEsOme!
THE NILE RIVER! hahahahahah lMBO
K well thats bout it!! tehe..love you kiddos!! MuAh
o did you know?? : last wednesday was national elephant day!


September 28 2005
which house is yours? I wnt us to start gettin you when we are walkin. we being me, Jessica, Matt, and Lindsay.