Paul Morgan
Relationship Status
LEE University
Favorite Music
Everything but rap and country
Favorite Movies
Balto, Fiddler on the Roof, and all Jackie Chan
Other Websites
November 17 2006
It's cool getting closer to God. I've heard him clearer in the past few
weeks than I've ever heard him before. I've seen prayers clearly answered right
in front of me. I've felt his spirit, and I've known his will. I'm excited. The
closer I feel myself getting to God the more excited I get. I don't understand
people who live without God. He's so amazing. It's also encouraging to see confirmation
about my decisions and thoughts over and over again.
I'm changing my Major. I'm going to be a CISS major. That's Computer
Information Systems. It's a business major with a computer emphasis. The
business part gives me classes like: accounting, business law, marketing, management
and that sort. The computer part is classes like: database design, network
design, program development, and software/hardware concepts. I'm excited. I
really think this is the direction God is sending me. I still intend to take
guitar lessons and probably choirs and stuff in the future.
I feel very content with where I am right now. But I'm excited to see where
God's taking me. He's taking me there fast. I can feel it.