The Devil's Den...Hell for short

June 20 2006
So today's practice was named the Devil's Den, Hell for short. It was awful. There was much pain, anger, tears, and questionable words shared. I almost cussed out someone on the team. She did something really rude and selfish, but I had Cara holding me back. But she has history of past offenses like this. Well now I am really sore and really tired!

Beth Farrar

June 20 2006
i take it u are talking about xc? is it time for camp yet?


June 20 2006
woah!! a new run?! do tell about it. im all a tingle! =p


June 21 2006
dang... that sucks balls. oh well... at least im not doing it! haha.. im sorry.. that's not helping anything. ;)