Kyle Commander
Relationship Status
Siegel High School
Playing guitar, skateboarding, electronics, hanging out
Favorite Music
Too much to name...i'm WAY to lazy to name all the bands i like...most music though. don't like pop...don't like country.
Favorite Movies
i like comedies (stupid or smart), horror films, Tim Burton films, movies that make you think...and some pretty messed up movies
Favorite Books
i'm not much of a reader, but Harry Potter is the shit, haha. me = nerd
Other Websites
it owned!
November 05 2005
song of the day: "Bloodsuckers pt II" by As Cities Burn
well...last night was the EMERY show and it owned. As Cities Burn put on an AWESOME show...they are really really good. i bought their cd and a shirt...and the cd is awesome! next was Gym Class Heroes...they were better than i had originally given them credit for. if you like hip hop in the least, you'd like them. it was really cool. then...holy whoa...He Is Legend. ALL OF THEM ARE CRAZY!! haha. the lead singer ran out frantically in a HUGE top hot, silk vest and wife beater, eye makeup, long brown hair, big ol' beard and threw bread into the crowd from a bagged was great...i had NO clue what was going on. they put on a good show. i was down in the pit for that one. then finally, EMERY played. it was crazy-awesome! i was right up front for this one. they opened with So Cold That I Could See My Breath and it was so good. they played a lot of good songs...but not Listening to Freddie Mercury...which made me sad...but they closed with Walls...that was CRAZY!!!! haha. i flipped out. i love that song. at one point, the keyboardist took a mic stand with a mic on it and stuck it into the crowd...Weston and I automatically grabbed it and started singing into was awesome! the lead singer also shook my hand in the crowd, which i was cool...i just stuck out my hand, and he acknowledged it and shook my was really cool. but yeah...the showed kicked. didn't get home till 2 in the morning..but oh was worth it...rock!