
November 03 2005
This past weekend I helped out with a middle school outreach, the Haunted Farm. We took a bunch of middle school students out to this farm, make them walk through the woods and scare them till they wet themselves. My role was to be the crazy redneck farmer. The students had to cross a gravel road on the property. I was there waiting for them with my truck. As they neared, I cocked the shotgun. When they heard this, they would look around to see what it was. I screamed at them to get off of my property and fired a couple of warning shots. As they started to scream and run down the road, I hopped in my truck and took off after them. After a short chase I woud go back and start over with the next group. It's kind of ironic that I was the one doing this given that I'm not really into guns. I'm not going to lie though; I throughly enjoyed shooting at middle school kids. (We emptied all of the shells so I was firing blanks) Good

BJ Hunt

November 03 2005
i love you kyle

Nathan Moore

November 03 2005
do you know BJ? hmmmm... hope to see you in nyc... ummm... soon?