Megan Sewak


Relationship Status




hang out w/ my best friends/sisters

February 18 2006

back from kaylah's

it was awesome had soooooooooooo much fun hung out w/ kaci and kaylah goofed around talked and shit... watch the ring which kaylah and kaci were being pethedic(sp?) hehehe watched 28 days later and fell a sleep.. sleep for like 3-ish hours the rat, kaylah has, woke me and kac up @ like 4:40 then light sleep from 5:00-7:00 talked some more listen to some music sooo yeah it was lik good old times... hehehe had the best cake ^^

       kaci and kaylah will always be my buddies


February 18 2006
awwe, sounds like fun!!! kaci the gurlie that goes to my school now? because i adore her. shes the sweetiest!!!! <3's ::+::Chelsey::+::