Megan Sewak


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the mall and the snow

February 11 2006

wow it's snowing pretty good lol for murfreesboro... lol me love snow....

well went to the mall last night here wat happen

mall and hang out
 got to see the whole group...yep the whole group
jon, kace,donald, tony,elizibeth,kaylah,lo,ley, audrey, and joey
saw one of my old friends, and austin
and met ben
tried on dress
had a cookie and soda
got a new wallet
got yelled at for seating on the floor(wtf?)
went in to some stores and shit soo yeah
and got yelled at in hot topic for taking pictures
and oh yeah saw leelon(sp?)
me and kaylah have an agreement.....

yep thats what happen nothing new

well i am out sooooooo later


Donald Allen

February 11 2006
i was a little upset... there wasn't that much snow....