Megan Sewak


Relationship Status





December 31 2005

hey hey,

well i have been buzy since winter break has started.....
tuesday::played sims that day didnt do much
wednesday::played sims again and didnt do much again
thuresday::made cookies, packed the truck... dad got home drove 5 hours to ohio... took the dog to pee and the freaky guy asked me if there was a bar of there......yeah the bed sucked
friday::drove another five hours to my grandparents' house... ate luach... talked and sat around the fire.... saw family saw my second cousin pony.... it's cute!!!!! his name is bubba...came back to the house had dinner..played w/ makayla
saterday::did real do much..went to salm,ohio...then went to my cousins house... then got ice...drove back to the house...sat the steelers play which was a good game... then 5:00 came around went down to my aunt's house for christmas eve.... got some from my aunt....yeah....went home
sunday::open gifts... got a cellphone, clothing, camra, lil thing and yeah had brunch w/ the whole other gifts.... then went to my other grandparents drove for another hour..hung out there...had city's good..... then hung out then went to bed
monday::hung out....had breakfest...then went to my aunt and uncle's's nice... came back read my book...did do much...had dinner....played games....yeah
tuesday::didnt do much....left there to came back in around 5:30....didnt do much took some more pictures.... then watched war of the worlds......talked to kaylah......went to bed
wednesday::unpacked everything...uploaded my photos.... then watched charlie and the chacolate facorty...which is a good movie..then went to kaylahs..hung out w/ her
thuresday&yesterday::went to my friends house......went to books-a-million came back watched tv.....  watched some movies... made backon..... goofed around.... went upstairs went to up had brefast.... wtched some more movies.... thencame home uploaded my photos.... and did nothing!!!! yay!!!!

thats all that happened soooooooooooooo far

happy new years eve!!!!
