Megan Sewak


Relationship Status





December 08 2005

freezing and rain dont got together well....
me have my socks wet even worse
so rain plus cold plus no snow equals school

i had one of the best mornings ever
justin tackled me(hehehe)
he jumped about 2 in off of the ground
that  made my morning

math was ok... had the teacher next to us
he is an awesome teacher
better then couch rivas

health took a test....
latin read a translation... and
talked about pompeian gov.

enlish i am making a 95 in there
yeah i have a test in there

lauch was an odd one
goof around
had food
yeah thats noraml

science was funny
as usal cheated on a test
big woop

history took the test.. which i took my time on
wow...... yeah thats normal

well thats alll fokes nothing other then that later



December 09 2005
awww lol i love rivas..on his good days lol but yeah coach armond** is pretty cool too lol im not at school today