Heavenly Skrilla

November 30 2005
Well things have been going great lately. I've been praying really hard about some things in my life, and I feel like i'm top of a spiritual mountain right now. I know this is all gonna pay off, one way or the other. I'm waiting on some answers from God in my life right now about several different things, and I know he is faithful and just to hear me. How awesome is our God!?!?! Just when I thought I was in a spiritual drought, God shows me the way out and with his help and the power that I have in Christ, I am able to get out of the dryness that has been holding me down in my walk. I feel equipt, ready to be used for his greater glory.

"How Can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word. I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you."
                      ~  Psalm 119:9-11

  In Christ,

kelsey shearron

December 01 2005
yea..i think you can still go..tickets are like 30 bucks...and you can get them at kroger..and the concert is at the war memorial in nashville. awesome verse!