Dez Freehauf
i have an interest in............ GOD! #1 and music, drawing, skateboarding, coffee, stealing garden gnomes
Favorite Music
i like mostly rock and stuff like that, but sometimes out of the blue i 'll like a coutry song. and you can't forget screamo
Favorite Movies
definately the new movie "The Ringer"
Favorite Books
the Chronicles of Narnia and Harry Potter, yup
February 15 2006
HEy YeStErDay, my whole class went to the Shakespeare play MacBeth, and it was at Navy Pier, and i think that was the best part. I got a cheap-o $2 bracelet and the lady who was selling it was very ummmmm......unsettling. She had and Indian accent and reminded me of Osama, but hey, its not my job to judge, so, i guess she was ...nice. AAAnyway, i'm in computer class again and Mr. VanderWould(computer slash history teacher) still hasn't figured out my master plan of going online during class.MMMmmmwwwwwwwwwahahahaha. ....that was wierd, but o well, ciao
Hasta Luego