Christopher Davis
Relationship Status
In A Relationship
Riverdale High School
Video games, Marissa, waffle-making, quesadilla-making, DDR, and more.
Favorite Music
Techno, video game music, random alternative rock, remixes of video game music, random hardcore rock.
Favorite Movies
Star Wars, Matrix, Pirates of the Caribbean, Ghostbusters, What Dreams May Come, Saved!, Sin City, many more I can\'t think of.
Favorite Books
Harry Potter, Faharenheit 451, Yvain: The Knight of the Lion, Life of Charlemagne.
Other Websites
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August 10 2006
...I thought I'd take a moment to say that my inner thighs near my crotch are chaffing like a champ, and I'd like nothing more than to die right now, it hurts so much.