Investmental Return

December 10 2005

w00t for getting some more cash off of my textbooks!  All the more to play with as I attempt to totally take advantage of my employee discount tomorrow...  Mwa ha ha ha ha!  I will have all the Game Boy Advance games I could ever desire, including Final Fantasy Dawn of Souls, Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga, Super Mario 3, Fire Emblem 1 & 2, Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission, and perhaps a few more on top of that.  Either that, or I could forget about getting so many and grab my own GBA instead of being stuck with the GB Player on the 'Cube.  So many possibilities...  Why, heck, I could actually bother to get a DS...

...And how 'bout the usage of the FFXI soundtrack with Guild Wars?  An amusing idea to say at the least.

I was pleasantly surprised to hear of someone else hearing of Custer's Last Stand for the Atari the other day.  Marissa's friend Caitlin is really cool.

Anywho, I must take my leave and get ready to join Funki and Marissa in some mad mad mad mad mad mad mad questing.

Any who wish to join us on Guild Wars is more than welcome.  I started my own guild, and we have kick-ass capes!