Told ya the Yankees wouldnt win it in 2006.

October 07 2006

I knew way back in Feb. that the Bronx bombers wouldnt win it all this year. I am so happy way to go Tigers ! Who cares who wins it now. The Yankees arent in it. HECK YEA. I know why they didnt win it too. Its because the YANKEES SUCK.

Heres the entry from Feb.23,2006

Yankees won't win in '06 ! I Guarantee it !

Steinbrenner predicts title for Yanks

Thrilled with Damon signing, Boss anticipates championship

"It's been a while; we haven't won it," said Steinbrenner, who stopped to speak to TV and radio reporters. "We're going to win it this year. We're going after them this year."


It won't happen I guarantee it !

Hunter Barry

October 07 2006
Wow, a bold prediction... you only had a 29 in 30 chance of getting it right... but all that aside DOOM TO THE YANKEES!