What's the worst thing I could say? Things are better if I stay...

June 25 2005
So, I'm going to Illinois tomorrow...such a BIG switch from Wisconsin...it doesn't matter any more...I'm still so frickin far off from the person I love in Florida...so it doesn't matter any way...
This depression needs to just die! Let it be strangled, or poisoned, or dropped from a skyscraper, or drowned...I don't care! Just let it die!!

Jane Woodard

June 25 2005
i miss you so much! i can't wait to see you. i wsh your mommy would stop being silly. :(

Sarah Vermillion

June 25 2005
You need to come take your hormones out on your honies in M'boro.

Mark Eatherton

June 26 2005
Hey, no worries. Everything's gonna be better very soon, ok? Smile for me, atleast, as I will always smile for you.

Jane Woodard

June 26 2005
i'll check with mom and get back with you. you can really come on the 10?! i need you :)