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One year, six months ahead

August 10 2006

6 days until college...   it's so hard to believe this summer's gone by so quick.  And the funny thing is I'm not even elated, excited, or whatever word you choose to use about starting a new.  What's with this?  It's like life's turned into one big emotion without excitements (except for Joanne).  Maybe it's better this way.  Hmmm.  One thing I know I have to do this year, I have to keep in touch with Faith. Give faith that fighting chance.  I can't tell where I'll be in 6 months or 2 semesters from now, but I hope and hope and hope that I will still be seeking for the Creator.  Life is so meaningless without that.

beth cooper

August 10 2006
wow only six more days....look at it this way. now youll have a faster internet and will be able to beat me on aim (yeah right)

Dan the Dan-Man Daniel

August 14 2006
Anew is one word. Maybe thats why you got a 4.