MoBlog Active.

June 29 2005

photo from nathan

So this is the first photo that I uploaded with the moblogging script that I wrote.

what the crap am i doing??

June 29 2005
well, i woke up this morning at 6:30. for some reason my sleeping pattern is outta whack. i think part of it has to do with my staying up late and talking on the computer. plus, my eating pattern is outta whack. i've lost like 4 lbs. since i found out about my mom...yeah, it's killing me. well, other than that, i'm good, maybe...later!

So I Lied.

June 28 2005
Okay maybe I lied.

Life may seem too good to be true.

But why is there always a lingering fear in the back of my mind?

I never want to lose the best thing in my life, I would absolutely die.

I'm sorry I'm such a horrible person.

I don't mean to be such a pest, I just don't want things to end all wrong again.

And I realize I am an absolutely ugly person when I cry.

Beautiful Day!

June 28 2005
today.. what a great day!
canoeing w/ kels, chris, and zach.
we went to the stones river. much fun!
then frisbee golf w/ chris, zach, josh, adam.. and some other guys..
then biking and swimming w/ kels.
i'm exhausted.
but outdoor activities.. beautiful.

spending the night w/ kelsey tonight!

tomorrow im heading up to franklin.
going swimming w/ holly/
then WNL!

mady has a good day

June 28 2005
i hada good day. a really good day. do you want to hear about it? good. and if you said no...get over it.

i got up and went to my sectional which you already read about if you read my entry from earlier...if it now.
then i came home and got online and talked to alyssa. much fun.
then grace called and came and got me.
then me and her went to get icees...we kidnapped brian on the way.
so we went to walmart. their coke icee machine was on defrost...bad brian whined and complained and got a cd. so i was looking at the cds and i found the train cd with the song drops of of course i got it! yay!!!
so we get back in graces truck and brian was all "where are we going...blah blah blah...whine whine whine" so we took him home...but not before he broke grace's mirror with his bad attitude and his oh so ugly face (haha)
so me and grace went to 3 more places searching for icees. we finally found one. and i am officially am the messiest icee maker ever. lol.
so then me and grace met alex p. at the library and me and grace read for like 3 hours...alex left after about an hour.
so we talked to jordan who said he and donald would be walking to fazolis tonight...we were thats too far...blah blah blah. so eventually they call and are like "come get us" so grace had to call alex to take me so she could take jordan and donald. then they call and say they dont know if they are gonna come, but grace made them. ha.
so we went to fazolis and had fun.
then we went to my house for a minute.
then we went to the library and played with the fountain...i got all wet. haha. then we played tag. at one point michael was chasing me and grace and she jumped over the i decided to go through the bushes...i wasnt about to try and jump over this branch decides to get in the way and i tripped and landed on my face...i laid there for a few minutes before i caught my breath was funny. so then i learned to make the noise with know...when you put it between your thumbs and blow...i couldnt do it for the longest time and donald kept making fun of me, but i eventually got it. very exciting. so then everyone decides to leave but grace and jane decided to stay a little longer, and i was goin home with grace so i stayed a little longer. so we were supposed to take jordan and donald home but they didnt know that and went to the underground so we went and got them and took them home. now we are back at grace's. mmm...i had a marvelous day.

Thunder Storms and Songs of Praise

June 28 2005
so on the way to GA last night the bottom fell out of the sky and the rain started pouring. everyone was frightened (except yours truely only b/c i'm used to driving in storms w/ my daddy :) anyways... so somehow me and this other girl started talking about praise & worship music and how she's beginning to like it. then we started singing "this is the air i breathe, your holy presence..." (you know the one) so we just sang it over and over and everyone joined in. all was peace and calm right in the middle of the storm. isn't God amazing like that?! wow! i thought it was awesome!

so GA was fun... i screamed... the biggest ride i went on was the GA Cyclone... hmm... i really didn't like it... but hey... atleast i can say i tried it! i have to say that i'm in love w/ Thurnder River. rode it about... oh say... 3-4 times? lol. anyways... it was a great trip... but i'm worn out! so g'night Children of the Living God! ~Hope

well, crap.

June 28 2005
evidentally, i've been causing my parents a LOT of stress lately. mainly my mom. bless her heart.

apparently, my attitude has changed since i hit 18. thats no good. i really dont think it has.. its just now im able to say some things that i've been thinking for a long time, and if i'd said it before.. well... heh.

and now that im 18, im "out too much.." (3 nites a week, my friends, 3 nites.) oh yea. and im "dating too many boys." (im NOT! lol but i wont tell you how many...)

and seemingly, the mere fact im 18 brings insurmountable amounts of worries to my parents. they're afraid of what bad things im going to do. like, get credit cards, and be promiscuous and such. or smoke.

along with a multitude of other things....

and how the heck does my little brother get away w/so much more than i ever did?! um, can you say "not fair?" lol i can... :)


June 28 2005
pretty sure i saw that i had 22 comments on my last post, and i was like,

then i actually started reading them and realized that they were all from the same person...
...oh well
[thanks, stephy]


June 28 2005
Pretty sure I spent 9 hours today babysitting my cousins. It's all good though... I got paid $75!!!!! Life is getting good......Well at least this summer is.....

I like short phone conversation!

June 28 2005
To be honest...I don't mind how long they is just nice to have someone on the other end that can make you smile. And smile is what I did when "he" called me. And thats all I have to say...mostly because Emily already knows the situation, and well, Nathan, you don' if you are wondering...he is just someone who I met at Passion 05 and have kept in touch with for the past 6 the reason that I am making such a big deal about it is...well, I have six months worth of emothions all rolled into this one moment...and well, I have a tendency to make a big deal about everything. Okay, have a nice day Emily and Nathan. :)

You Can't Take Pictures In Here...

June 28 2005

photo from SingAHappySong

photo from SingAHappySong

photo from SingAHappySong

photo from SingAHappySong

Tonight was awesome. Jenna, Graham, Amy A., Aimee D., Brian, Cameron, Anna, Renfroe, and I met up at Blue Coast Burrito for Anna's birthday celebration. Then we went to Starbucks and saw Rachael, Rebekah, Sarah, Cari, and Elizabeth. Jenna had to leave early, but the rest of the birthday crew ended up going to the mall. As if we weren't already having the fun... the fun cranked up even more! Graham posed with various girly items of clothing and everyone else was being goofy as well. I had probably snapped about twenty shots in Aeropostale when one of the workers politely tells me that it's against store policy to take pictures... wow... too bad I've already taken so many! Lol... fun fun times...

acrostic poem

June 28 2005
B arely even feeling
E very detail of her life
A lways guarded
U nder a watchful eye
T old what to believe
I f only be her peers
F ooled by herself into bekieving what is false
U ntold by no one, yet, reassured by all
L onely and Lovely is how she lives

boys are so weird!!!

June 28 2005
guys? answer me this.. y do you find the need to change everything u do once one of ur guy friends comes over?? i mean... y can't you show affection in front of them like you do when no one's watching? it's really gay. well i don't care... if that's how guys are born like... i'll just have to learn to live with it.. lol... well, i just really don't want to be home right now.. it's boring as shit. -sigh-

hit me up.

I want...

June 28 2005
I want this nightmare to be over.

I want to go home, I don't want to be an observer to this anymore...

Why did I screw this up?

cards, presents, burritos, and coffee

June 28 2005

photo from BeautyFromPain

Who's feet belong to who?

photo from BeautyFromPain

Mmm, tonight was fun. You can see more pictures in my photo box :)

sand. sun. and lots of fun.

June 28 2005
so i'm sitting here by the pool in the most beautiful beach house in the world getting ready to play pool volleyball. yes i am in heaven, or somewhere close to it.

i have enjoyed boogie boarding, a glass of wine, a cigar, i've spent more money than a gal my age should, i have jumped in the pool... fully clothed, and rediscovered my country roots and my tan.

soon i will be sky diving and shark fishing with the best of them.

but i'd be lying if i said i didn't miss you guys a little bit. i'm coming back on friday.

see y'all then.

edit : i went dancing tonight with my cousins. i will now be able to teach you guys some new moves when i come back.

and annother entry

June 28 2005
i am watching law and order and am online. no one is on aim. i am bored.


i really like this site. though there are a few things that i still need to try:

this is itaisized
this is underlined
obviously bold works.

Image hosted by

[EDIT] yay! everything worked.

i am working on a list that would make this site a little better (to compete with xanga, i like this one alot better and want it to do well)


June 28 2005
Well im glad to be back home from was a fun time, but its good to be back with my friends. So far this week is going good, sunday night i just kinda hung out with natalie casey blake erin parker and staley, monday went bowling with hunter parker taylor erin and natalie, and today i had a swim meet and i didnt do too great and this is getting long so i'll end it here. I'll see ya'll around


June 28 2005
WOw, 10 freinds. KInda good I guess. Well nuttin much has been happenin. Xanga is soo much better than this. U cant have backgrounds or anything on this.....Kinda stupid


Big WIll


June 28 2005

He who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be crushed.

Matthew 21:44

Photo From SeeRockCity

June 28 2005

photo from SeeRockCity

HURRAY!! my INSPIRATION is back ^_^ i can DRAW again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: hmm.. why must it be so pixel-y?? :sigh:

ridding down the road with the windows down

June 28 2005
well today was normal...i stayed at home and cleaned house....then my mom came home and we went to the mall and we just kinda drove was really fun,it was just kinda of relaxing to do that just live a little and waste some gas driving around with the windows down...i love doing that..when i can drive that is prolly all i will do...well then we went to the mall and i got some new vans...the checker-board ones...i already had them but they had a whole in the toe and i would wear them to church and my mom was like why dont i just bye you a new she did...and then i drove home which was fun....since i dont have my perminte...haha!well thats all for now...bye loves.


June 28 2005
i'm moving to mboro...sweet ameba


June 28 2005
Grandparents took me to see The Longest Yard. I enjoyed it. I'll be doing Laser Quest tomorrow night.


June 28 2005
So, today officially marks exactly one month since I started programming PhuseBox.

I'd say, things are looking pretty nice for only being here on the web for one month. PhuseBox currently has 370 total users (most from Mufreesboro, TN, my hometown)...

I am now averaging 10,079 page views per day (very nice).

To celebrate my one month, I think my hosting company decided to give me slow service and poor customer support.

So, sorry if the site was a bit slow this afternoon or you received error messages. I have talked to my web hosting company and everything should be settled now. If thing like that happen in the future, bare with me and I will get it fixed ASAP.

Keep spreading PhuseBox to everyone you know. I am continuing to work on some new features and work out some bugs in the system. I am hoping to get enough users that I can switch to a dedicated server (faster, more space, bandwidth, etc.)...

Continue to let me know of any problems that you run into and I will try my best to fix it or offer an explanation.

Thanks again for making PhuseBox what it is!


no dreams.

June 28 2005
Some nights I just don't feel like sleeping.

I'm trying not to force change upon anything. Though I've talked a lot about how I want things to be, it's only because I'm living in 2 worlds that are polar opposite. Really, neither needs to change, because then it wouldn't be real. You'd be faking what I wanted. I just.. I don't like to choose. I know I cannot mix oil with water but I continue to try.


June 28 2005
geez you guys... ya'll are so boring... ;)

new album from switchfoot

June 28 2005
guess what...switchfoot is finally making a new album. Bet u didn't know that? It's coming out sept. 13 (3 days before my b-day!) and its called "Nothing is Sound." Sounds cool check it out

San Diego means... a whales vagina.

June 28 2005
I love "Anchorman"!

So, work today sucked whale penis. long, hot, tiring, and boring.

I did get a call today from Taylor. I going to try out for his band on Friday I believe.

Every time I see the video trailor for War of the Worlds, I crap my pants because it looks soooo sexy.


Yeah, I guess I'll go.

so much fun in branson, missouri.

June 28 2005
so chas just told me that she caught an armadillo last night. i found it absolutely hilarious.


June 28 2005
yes, i'm happy. i'm excited about the movie and excited about who i'm going to be seeing it with.;) well, i gotta run.--amanda


June 28 2005
Why is it,that when everything seems to finally be going right,something comes along and SCREWS UP all of your plans?

Ya see, Me,Melissa,Kate,Laura,Ashley,Patrick,Kai, and John were all going to go to Kid's Castle on Saturday for the WHOLE DAY, but now Laura's uncle's coming into town on Thursday so Laura will only get to see Kai for a day(he's been in Nova Scotia for the past 3 weeks)until the,Laura's not going to be able to come.John might not be back in town yet.


Life is Good...

June 28 2005
wow another amazing day on this earth.

i am finding that my Bible is becoming my best has all the answers and it's so straight forward it's great....well i found some verses that have really inspired me this week and thought you guys might like to hear them.....

Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12

Here is a verse that means alot to me and i think you all will know why......

Do not let your adornment be merely outward--arranging the hair,wearing,gold,or putting on fine apparel--rather let it be the hidden person of the heart,with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit,which is very precious in the sight of God.
1 Peter 3:3-4

well i got plans tonight so i got to go get ready....i'll talk to you guys later and i hope that these verses made something better in your day.....

Because everyone else is doing it...(Yeah, some nonconformist I am.)

June 28 2005


June 28 2005
The Soundtrack of My Life
- Opening Credits: "Autobiography" by Ashlee Simpson
- Waking-Up scene: “Breakfast” by Newboys
- Average Day scene: "Ordinary Day” by Vanessa Carlton
- Falling In Love scene: “Wonderwall” by Oasis
- Love Scene: "Collide” by Howie Day
- Fight With a Friend scene: "Let Me Go" by 3 Doors Down
- Break-Up/Post Break-Up scene: "Over” by Lindsay Lohan
- Lonely scene: "Best I Ever Had” by Vertical Horizon
- Get Back Together scene: "You and Me” by Lifehouse
- Fight scene: "Fighter” by Christina Augularia
- Wandering Around Randomly scene: "Forward Motion” by Relient K
- Heartbreak scene: "Free Fallin” by Tom Petty
- Mental Breakdown scene: "Empty Apartment” by Yellowcard
- Driving scene: "Rawkfist” by Thousand Foot Krutch
- Sex scene: "Lover and Friends” by Lil Jon & the East Side Boyz
- Dream sequence: "Wonderful Tonight” by Eric Clapton
- Party scene: "Yeah” by Usher
- Happy Dance scene: "Chemical Party” by Gavin DeGraw
- Regret scene: "Good Riddance (Time of Your life)” by Green Day
- Long Night Alone scene: "40 Kinds of Saddness” by Ryan Cabrera
- Closing credits: "Tomorrow" by Lillix

My jaw hurts.

June 28 2005
I've either been sleeping too little or too much... I haven't decided which one.

So I was reading the latest post on "justincredible"s site about waiting... and it really made me think. Lately I've been pretty wrapped up in the way things are going to turn out, so much in fact, that I'm not enjoying what's going on right now. I'm too focused on what things WILL be, instead of what they ARE. Right now I have something amazing, something to smile for. I don't know why I'm never satisfied, but it's obvious to everyone around me. Even after losing 20 pounds, growing my hair out, getting my long-time boyfriend back, reconnecting my cellphone, having cash in my purse, and finally having my mom loosen up the slack a bit..... things still don't feel right. I've come really far, I just wanna see where it's all going. I guess I miss my huge groups of extremely close friends. And I'm so consumed with what the future brings, that I'm forgetting to see how beautiful it is... this very moment.

*sigh* I try.

built a pillow fort.....pwns

June 28 2005

yeah so i got a profile pic now thanks to Katie Schneider and her masterful photo techniques.

I could hang out with Katie and Andrea all day every day forever and not get mad at them or get tired of them ever.

look at my added pictures they are sweet

How My Summers Going

June 28 2005
Well Im like sitting home.... doing nothing at all. What a summer right. Well Im going on vacation on Friday. About time it got here. Ive been waiting for it for awhile now...... Then were coming back on the 4th.. and Kaceys coming over!! I havent seen her in awhile.... Well Im going to go... Peace!!



June 28 2005
man i wish it would rain!! i want to go play in it!!.....but nooooo!
that picture is me and allison from when we went to henry horton! i was TiReD!

Deep thoughts.....

June 28 2005
.Is the Keebler Elf a man or a woman?


June 28 2005
Hello all.... How's everyone been doing lately?? I hope your days are full with joy and gladness... ;) Well, there's nothing really goin on right now in Tiff-ville. I'll talk to you guys later! God bless!


June 28 2005
'It's not what it seems
Not what you think
No I must be dreaming
It's only in my mind
Not in real life
No I must be dreaming'

I think life is too good to be true.

Everybody knows that you're insane...

June 28 2005 here I am...on a Tuesday afternoon, sitting in my towel and typing a blog...bleah...I'm tired...and becoming very lazy. It took effort just to get up and shower. I think I'm going to throw some CDs in the CD player and dance around for a bit...after I get dressed, of course.

A prayer for the nations

June 28 2005
"Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession." Psalm 2:8

Well, we don't want to possess the nations, but we do want God to be glorified in them. This morning during our staff intercession time, God was depositing in us as a base a heart for the nations. One girl got a picture in her mind during prayer of a torch that was thrown into the air, and as she watched it come back down, she knew once it hit the ground, it would ignite everything around it. When it did hit, shockwaves of fire rippled in all directions. Another staffer brought up the story of Elijah on Mt. Carmel. Initially in YWAM the vision was to see tons of young people go to every nation like waves crashing on the shores. Like fire from heaven that lapped up the water around Elijah's altar to prove Jehovah as Sovereign God, we prayed that God would send fire among the waves of young people with YWAM. And He would be proven unmistakenly powerful and sovereign in all nations.
As for our base, the NY base director Nick felt God instruct him weeks ago to resurrect the Go Teams ministry at our base- short term foreign mission trips for anyone to participate in, but organized by specific YWAM bases. I believe God is preparing our hearts for this ministry again, and it will begin with a burden for the nations.
I am anxious to begin planning our first trip. Thailand, Bangladesh, Haiti, Mongolia, Hong Kong all have been mentioned. Hopefully we will go to all of them and many, many more. I am excited just talking about it!

so i don't know what?

June 28 2005

well i randomly went around asking random people to be my friend..i'd just like to make new friends thats all..

Well Matt is still in Florida til about Friday..

Only 1 month and a day til my 16th birthday..

Only 10 more days til Matt's 18th birthday..

here are just some more random things about me in love with the most wonderful guy in the world.
2.Matt is the first person i ever let get close to me.
3.its only been a year since my grandpa died.
4.and im still hurting.
5.i miss playing softball already.
6. i ride my bike everyday for about 4 miles
7.i don't want to go to college.
8.i want to be a pediatrician
9.i still have something Katie Sanders gave me in 7th grade
10.i want to get married..soon.
11.when im alone i tend to get depressed.
12.i miss matt..a lot
13.i just got a new cd.
14.i love my black flip-flops from Old Navy
15.i don't think i want to leave high school. scares me to think im becoming independent, but yet, it doesn't.
17.i don't have a job. life is fully based on my happiness..not the happiness of anyone else.
19.i've never been cheated on.
20.but, i've never cheated on anyone either.
21.i want to move out..soon.
22.i want to live with Matt.
23.i want to parachute..but you have to be 18.
24.i've never smoked anything in my life.
25.after my grandpa died from smoking, i swore i would never do that.
26.i have a bunch of Justin Timberlake and Josh Harnett pictues all over my walls.
27.Matt's picture and our first date movie ticket is on my touch-lamp.
28.i kiss his picture and tell him i love him everynight.
29.i can no longer play softball
30.The Amityville Horror actually scared bad. room is dark blue.
32.i have two beds in my room, with double-windows and roof outside my windows.
33.i don't wear earrings a lot. favorite sport to watch is football.
35.Riverdale football kicks ass.
36.the band isn't so hot..
37.but we have a lot of fun. camp is actually pretty cool, if you think about it.
39.i don't want a big wedding.
40.matt is my first true love.
41.and hopefully my last.
42.i love him...a lot
43.i used to want to work for
44. now i want to work for Vanderbilt Hospital.
45.i love to watch disney shows. favorite is Lizzie McGuire
47. i don't miss Cason Lane.
48.I miss the people though.
49.I miss all the friends i had that go to OHS now, that never talk to me..
50.Katie Sanders was the first friend i made at Central.
51.i met my best friend Morgan on a softball team. summer, we are goin cross-country for vacation.
53.up until last summer, i hadn't seen my aunt in almost 10 years.
54. she had lived out of the country for 20 or so.
55.She just moved to Utah Monday.
56.She came form Japan.
57.Her daughter can speak 5 languages.....and she's only 5.
58.Fall is my favorite season because of the colors.
59. i don't know who i am sometimes.
60.I can be a real bitch sometimes..and not mean to be.
61.Im sorry.
62.i've been out of the country before. was weird. one of the youngest people in my class.
65.i have finaly found someone that i can truly connect with and be myself without worrying about what he will think of me..
66.I am who i one else.
67.And he loves me for me..not something im not.
68.Matt is the sweetest, most romantic guy i've ever and will ever meet.
69.He tells me the only thing he can compare with my beauty is the stars.

good morning

June 28 2005
I am sooooo lazy. its ridiculous. i just woke up and i noe a lot of people that wake up at like 8:00 i dunno y i woke up late today because i fell asleep last nite at like 2 and thats not even late to me. I dunno. Neways hi everyone howz it goin. Well im gunna go swimmin.

It's About Time... You Got Your Feet Wet!

June 28 2005

photo from Beautiful_Wreck

I liked this picture so much I stole it from Amy Amonett. That's what summer is all about... I want to run throuh a sprinkler...
I don't really have much to say except I wanted everyone to know that I am praying for all of you. So many times I'll tell someone I'll pray for them when I hear they're going through a hard time, and then I never do... or I pray for them once. I've read a lot of entries from y'all, however, where you express confusion or pain or a lot of other things going on in your life. I am seriously and really praying for y'all, and I am here if you need me. I love you all.
I'm also reading a lot of entries about VBS and I feel left out. It's my own fault for not signing up, but I was depending on the junior high VBS. I love working with that age group but I really haven't had much of a chance... yet... that's something I still need to pray about...


June 28 2005
Me and Miss Emily Lupoli are going to see Bewitched today and i am very excited! I watched that show all the time when i was little! Nicole Kidman and Will Ferrel are like two of my favorite actors. I hope your summer is going well guys...aerobics are getting better...slowly but surely :/


mom. i need more nonuts!

June 28 2005
back from mississippi.
let's just say that erin greene can now be called Gaylord Focker. let me tell you why.

well first everything was going pretty swell. we went to my family reunion. it was fun. we got there and this little boy comes up with super blonde hair in a bowl cut and blue eyes. he automatically fell in love with erin and after a while, me as well. we played ball and danced and had fun, so by the end of the day i had a boyfriend i met at my family reunion in mississippi named rooster. it was actually a nickname.

okay this is where Gaylord comes in.

after the reunion we went to a cousins cabin. it was beautiful. and there were 2 four-wheelers outside. so i automatically run and sit on one. then my cousin comes and turns it on and tells erin to hop on the other. so we go on this trail that we think will just circle around. no. everywhere you look there are different turns to take so we get lost. and as we come off one trail and on to the next i hit the gas. and i look back and erin is no where in sight. but i do see her fourwheeler face down in a 5 foot deep ditch. then erin head pops up. luckily she wasn't hurt. but we tried to pull it out while i am laughing so hard that my legs were crossed. we got so close and all the while the four wheeler is in gear. so we are pulling it opposite the way the wheels are rolling. then on the way down to miss. we told erin about fire ants. if you have never been bitten by them then you wouldn't understand. they leave welps. so of course while we are in the ditch there is a fire ant bed right there and we both were attacked. luckily my dad and cousin came looking for us and helped us pull it out. and he wasn't mad thank goodness.

then as we were going to bed that night erin plops on the bed and breaks the lamp.

then we went to my other g-rents house and my g-ma raises poodles. she got this new one and it didn't weigh a pound. seriously. it was 6 weeks old and the cutest thing ever. we were in the kitchen and it was in erins lap. the puppy jumped out of her lap and landed on the floor and when my mom picked it up it looked like it broke it's neck. it just froze. for hours it was not acting right and it's eyes were droopy and what not.

poor Gaylord.

but needless to say we had alot of fun. thanks for going with me erin!


kids say the darnest things...actually, just brooks...

June 28 2005
i ABSOLUTELY LOVE 4 year-olds. they are HILARIOUS!!! you think im joking or being sarcatic, but im not at all! they are the perfect age where i can talk to them and they can understand me and they can talk back and carry on a conversation.

so, brooks is the muse for my title cause i love her and she is snobby! (i think thats why i love her so much)

yesterday she expressed how she only wears shirts that show her belly {and that alone maske me laugh...she thinks all "big girls" wear shirts that show their belly hah! uhh, i dont} today i was like "brooks? did you kiss a boy yesterday??!!!" and apparently, she kissed a boy under the pew. everyone thought she was telling him a secret but NOPE! SHE KISSED HIM! i was like , brooks, sweety, i love you, but you CANNOT kiss boys! you are too young to be kissing dirrty little boys! she laughed but i love

ok bye

p.s.~ my iPod was just UPGRADED to the to the 20g w/ color screen!! well i'm excited!

Hip-Hopper Tag

June 28 2005

photo from nathan

So Tag wanted to join in the hip-hopping fun today in the office... it was great.


this is a title

June 28 2005
this is the thingy i made because i was bored and sydney showed to me.

well, i had drama today and tara got the part i lost. :-(

sydney is at my house for the day. ummmmm....well i have nothing more to say.

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worst day

June 28 2005
have you ever forgotten to turn your lights off? well i did and they were on for 3 1/2 hrs today at summer school... well it died...and it took forever for it to start again! and my mom's not happy at all. it was an accident gosh..i'm in sooo much trouble so if you don't hear from me in a while...don't worry about it


LazerQuest Open for ALL youth!!

June 28 2005
Lazerquest this wednesday has now been opened to all (7th- 12th) youth. if you would like to go you must email chris at by 4:00 pm tomorrow.


June 28 2005
so the sectional today was fun. it went better than i expected...i still cant play mello and i still want it to die, but its getting better...i think. im just gonna practice...alot, and hopefully be able to play the music by band camp...yeah. this should be interesting.

sidewalk chalk, cheesy movies, & swimming are the bomb

June 28 2005
well I hope you guys liked my poem that I wrote yesterday, you can always go back and read it if you didnt.

tomorrow, wednesday, a bunch of my friends & I are going to the movies at carmike to go watch war of the worlds at four so if you wanna go, cmon! the more people, the more fun right? lol

babysat today mostly. we played outside with sidewalk chalk. it keeps them occupied for at least an hour. :] I am going to the pool here in a bit, yessss but I am serisouly in a swimming. maybe because I lost weight & I can fit into my favorite bikini again? why yes that must be it hahaha.

well I'll update later.
I love you,

It's raining, it's pouring.....

June 28 2005
I wish the rain would stop. This mornings ministry was cancelled because of the stupid rain. But we did get to go to the nursing home and visit our friends. Old people are so awesome. It's funny how they all are so excited to see us and how excited we are to see them. When I visit them I kinda of think ahead to where I might be when I get to be that age. I don't ever want to be in a bed somewhere where I can hardly get out what I want to say. I will be so blessed if the Lord takes me before that might happen.

My family left yesterday and I am really kind of homesick for my friends and family. There are more times this year then there was last year. But I know that I am suppose to be here so that always comforts me.

My groups this week are so cool. My morning minstry group is from Knoxville, TN and a few of them are going to MTSU in the fall. That is the second group that some people from there are going to MTSU!!!!

I wish all you guys could take a giant road trip to Charleston and visit me!!!! That would be flippin' awesome!!! But I know you can't so I will just dream. haha.

Well I think this is all folks and I want to hear from you all and tell me what you guys have been up to. Love you all.

for ellie and justin

June 28 2005
"We are not here to work for God because we have chosen to do so, but because God has apprehended us. There is never any thought of - 'Oh, well, I am not fitted for this.' What you are to preach is determined by God, not by your own natural inclinations"

-Oswald Chambers


June 28 2005
first day of driver's ed. it looks like this is gonna be a LONG 2 weeks. at least i have katie to be a driving partner with, since i was rudely put in the class where i hardly know anyone. :P just kidding...

i want my computer back!! *whines* i miss AIM!!!

we watched this video this morning in class and it had Scott Bakula from Quantum Leap in it. he was such a cutie!! it's really amazing what people thought was cool back then...

what was your favorite tv show when you were a kid? mine was power rangers...


June 28 2005
I am trying to make honeymoon plans, and everything is heartbreakingly expensive. That's all I've got to say about that. :/

Waiting. . .

June 28 2005
Let's admit, waiting is not something we enjoy doing. If were in line for a movie ticket or to check out at wal-mart we'll take the fastest path we can see just to get out of that line. It's part of our impatient nature. We are busy people, we don't have time to stand in a line.

But what about when it comes to something a little more important than checking out at wal-mart. What about waiting a door to open? What about waiting on God to speak? What about waiting on a relationship.... your future husband or wife? What about waiting on God's perfect timing....for anything?

Lamentations 3:22-25 Becuase of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, "The Lord is my portion; therefore i will wait on Him." The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him; to the one who seeks Him.

Isaiah 64:3-5 For when you did awesome things that we did not expect, you came down and the mountains trembled before you. Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for Him You come to the help of those who gladly do right, who remember your ways.

Waiting demands we embrace and rely on faith. Why in the world would God make us do a thing like that???

It's about God's Journey, not always just the destination.

haha no curfews...

June 28 2005
yeah... so sat. my friend kal calls me up and wants to know if i want to go swimming at tony's so he, tony and jeff don't look gay. so jeff and kal come all the way from west seneca to pick me up.

long story shortened: didn't get dropped off at home till about 1:30 am.

summer '05 rocks.

summer work

June 28 2005


June 28 2005
there isn't a word in the dictionary that fits the mess swirling around in my head


June 28 2005

Why so many conflicts in my own head?

A weekend to forget, but I don't want to.
A battle yet to fight, but I don't want to.
A secret untold, I want to?

This isn't the life for me. But what is?

summer dance

June 28 2005
so summer dance started yesterday and i am getting my butt kicked. i have more classes today and am working later this week. my brother is now in country from germany and hopefully he'll come to pittsburgh to hang out for a while. ttyl pz


June 28 2005
well, this thing is still messin up on me, so i havent fully gottin the full phusebox expeirence. but it's pretty cool so far. i can baisically do everything i guess without goin to anyones actually site. except look at all the pics and stuff.
so sunday night, which is the first night of work every week for me, i walked in and i found out that they had just fired 3 guys because they all failed their drug test and one guy had called in because he had to go to the hospital with his brother. now how stupid can you be, to do drugs when you know your goin to have to take a drug test. the funny thing is is how they fire people there sometimes. they dont tell you and when you get to work your card wont work to let you in the gate. i saw one of the guys trying to get in and i was like "oh shooooooooo".
i only have to work 4 days this week. heck ya.
earlier this week amy powers was talkin smack (not really, i just wanted to say that) about how i was late to the brown bag concert. and she was doin this on here by the way. well, i was late cause we didnt decide to go to the concert till 11:15 and we didnt leave whitneys house till after 12, and since the concert started at 12 and i made it there at like 12:35, i think i did pretty good on time personally. i'm just givin amy a hard time.

*edit* i put some pics up on here i think. i guess you can see them.



June 28 2005
My summer has been really good so far, much beter than I thought it would be in fact. Since I didn't end up takin' driver's ed I actually get time to rest (yessss!!!).
My birthday party went pretty well..... lol, it was about a third of my youth group and Mady and Chelsey.... it was great!
The Hiawasse trip went well also! Gosh that water is FREEZING. Oh yeah, heh heh, Mr. Elheban threw a snake in our boat... (there's a snake in my boat!).
So yeah, I have to go see my dad on friday... hmmm....
But for tonight... put put and ice cream, mmm mmm....

Gloria Patri!
the OTHER nathan

Some Important Things To Remember

June 28 2005

"Can you imagine me hitting her with a breadstick? Wouldn't that be funny?"


"Her eyes would explode!"

NUMBER 3, definately the MOST important:

"He's the Sithiest Sith that ever Sithed!"

Thank you for your time and a attention, ladies and jellyspoons. Have an is love for all your hard work.

      summer vacation is lovebrought to you by the isLove Generator


June 28 2005
Jack: What powers you ask?

Holmes: What about the power of flight? Does it do anything for you?

Jack: Thats levitation Holmes.

Kyle: What about the power... to kill a yak, thats 200 yards away? With mind bullets!!!

Jack: Thats telekinesis Kyle!

Lol. Thats a song by Tenacious D called Wonderboy. I like it alot.. it's really funny.

I'm going to go see War of the Worlds with amanda on Thursday. Amanda is really cool. I still havent decided what I am going to enjoy more, being with Amanda, or the movie. Lol, I think I'll enjoy amanda more.

Well, I guess I'll let you kids go...


June 27 2005
Some things are starting to settle down. So I think I get a breather, and more things get shaken up. I'm really confused, lol. I wish I knew what was going on. And I wish . . . I wish a lot of things. And I know most of them arent gonna happen. I'm nervous. Very nervous. I can't afford to worry, but I find myself trying to again. We'll see what goes. I always jump to worst-case scenarios and I'm only in the ballpark half of the time. So . . . we'll have to see.

Prayer please.

*confused tears, not sure what for*

beyond excited!

June 27 2005
wow. that is all i have been able to spit out. such a small word to describe all that God has been doing in my life. he has given me such an excitement about so many things. he is changing my heart. and meeting my desire to be passionate again. i have been feeling my heart long to be passionate and God is meeting that desire head on. i can't wait until i finish typing this so i can go pray about all these things that need prayer. i can't wait because i know that God will work in each and every situation! i am so excited to see him move in each one of those situations and in other people. i have been praying that God's spirit would just flow out of me. and man, is it ever! i am beyond excited! all this for Him! wow. and now i get to go pray to Him! whoo hoo! i hope everyone has a wonderful day! i may see some of you tomorrow! i will be at VBS with my new friend tyler (i love that kid!) and my new found love, my little 3 year old boyfriend, lucas! haha! i love little kids!

Afternoon Delight....

June 27 2005
Brian: I think I was in love once.
Ron: Really? What was her name?
Brian: I don't remember.
Ron: That's not a good start, but keep going...
Brian: She was Brazilian, or Chinese, or something weird. I met her in the bathroom of a K-Mart and we made out for hours. Then we parted ways, never to see each other again.
Ron: I'm pretty sure that's not love.
Brian: Damn it!

Dorothy Mantooth is a saint! You understand me? Dorothy Mantooth is a saint!

They've done studies you know. Sixty percent of the time, it works all the time.


June 27 2005
umm yea this week is goanna be amazing!!! swim meet... lake... hangin out... movies... all the fun stuff you could imagine!!! have a great week yall!!


June 27 2005
random day nothing really happened but it was a good day all the same....well not much to say talk to you guys later...

oh yeah new pic.....random huh???

Hip-Hopper Nathan Moore

June 27 2005
YEAH... so hip-hop dancing is something I will never do again! I HAD A BLAST! However, I just could not keep up with the class. Though, it was funny to see eveyone else try too.

That is it. No photos or video (sorry). But it was a lot of fun. Oh, and by the way, we did warm-ups at the beginning... some of the stuff I had not done since 7th grade gym class. A 6 ft. 4 inch giant cannot touch his toes! Anyways... fun night... got to hang out with the same people from the Boro (they go back home tomorrow)... and people from New Hope New York.

It was priceless. I now will retire... from my hip-hop dance career and to bed. I have a video shoot early in the morning.



June 27 2005
i wish life was easyer


June 27 2005
I'm at my grandparent's house in Pleasant View untill Wed. This marks the 4th week in a row that I've been out of town.


June 27 2005
Boy am i tired! Today was rough! I had VBS this morning and it was fun! I mean yah it was hot outside but it all worked out!

This mornin i woke up and went to work and i was so SLEEPY!! I couldn't understand it! I had never been this tired! It was CRAZY! I had a little trouble w/ the kid that i babysit but other than that it was a good mornin!

My mom and dad talked today! It didnt go very well! They talked about me and my cell phone bill and me gettin my own car! Lets jus say the phone ain't gonna be around for a while and the car is non exsistent! Ill jus keep drivin the truck!

This afternoon i fell asleep on the couch at work and slept for like an hour! It was GREAT! I enjoyed the NAP! I talked to my good friend brit and brad today! They made me cheer up about everything! I have to go to court in the morning! I am so excited! NOT!!! Then im goin back to VBS! I have to go shoe shopping for the wedding! Im not lookin forward to it at all! I hate shoe shopping!

I did find out good news today! After this week i am off for 2 whole weeks! It is GRRRRRRRRREAT! Im so excited and I will also have my dads car since he will be gone on a trip! It is going to be great plus no football! I will get to hang out w. all my friends! It is gonna be great!

Well yall i think im gonna go turn in! Im really sleepy!

Love yah bunches,
Ali May


June 27 2005
just got back from 3 weeks worth of youth -group stuff it was definitely awesome!!!!
leave comments

marble slab...again

June 27 2005
so i went to marble slab again today with olivia and as i was checking out, the guy ringing me up was like "aren't you the girl that brought in the cup of change?" haha! i was like why, yes i am! and as i was paying with a credit card he said "seriously, next time just bring in your change and whatever you don't have, i'll make up for it!" i was like rock on! so zac buddy, be prepared! ;)


June 27 2005
so i think the teal is gone. you couldnt see it very well, anyway...but now i cant find it at all...o well.

Drops of Jupiter

Now that she's back in the atmosphere
With drops of Jupiter in her hair, hey, hey
She acts like summer and walks like rain
Reminds me that there's time to change, hey, hey
Since the return from her stay on the moon
She listens like spring and she talks like June, hey, hey

Tell me did you sail across the sun
Did you make it to the Milky Way to see the lights all faded
And that heaven is overrated

Tell me, did you fall for a shooting star
One without a permanent scar
And did you miss me while you were looking at yourself out there

Now that she's back from that soul vacation
Tracing her way through the constellation, hey, hey
She checks out Mozart while she does tae-bo
Reminds me that there's time to grow, hey, hey

Now that she's back in the atmosphere
I'm afraid that she might think of me as plain ol' Jane
Told a story about a man who is too afraid to fly so he never did land

Tell me did the wind sweep you off your feet
Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day
And head back to the Milky Way
And tell me, did Venus blow your mind
Was it everything you wanted to find
And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there

Can you imagine no love, pride, deep-fried chicken
Your best friend always sticking up for you even when I know you're wrong
Can you imagine no first dance, freeze dried romance five-hour phone conversation
The best soy latte that you ever had . . . and me

Tell me did the wind sweep you off your feet
Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day
And head back toward the Milky Way

Repeat 1st Chorus

Only stupid people want to hang out tonight.

June 27 2005
shimmisparkle: ugh im so bored!!!
shimmisparkle: kill me.
Laus Deo17: die
shimmisparkle: oh yeah, that worked.
Laus Deo17: i bet it did
shimmisparkle: are you going to bury me now?
Laus Deo17: no
Laus Deo17: i'm going to let your body rot in a swimming pool
Laus Deo17: :-)
shimmisparkle: damn...
shimmisparkle: that SUCKS.
Laus Deo17: yeah, sorry

HAhaaaa.... Okay, so I'm easily entertained.

I think Jason stole my boyfriend... :(

I hate addictions. But if you took it all away... I would have nothing.

we have WAY too much free time.

June 27 2005
so me and jason were bored today, so we decided to paint his xbox. yeah, sounds boring, but stay with me, there will be a test later. so, we thought that no single color was worthy of residing on jasons console, hence our color choice. color shift. yes, the infamous flip flop paint. ya know, its purple from one angle, then morphs into red, yellow, orange, gold, royal blue, green, and almost any other happy color you could think of. well, that is the extent of my entertainment for the time being. later


June 27 2005
my nieces and nephew >>>>>>>>>>>>


June 27 2005
My birthday is Thursday, but because of other things going on that day, I'm celebrating early. . . like, tomorrow evening. We'll meet at 6 to eat somewhere ((haven't decided where yet-- I'm up for suggestions)) and then go to Starbucks. Presents are up to you. I'd be happy with a card with some kind of message in it. If you're interested or whatever, leave a message or let me know. Check back for a place to eat.

Okay. Powers totally reminded me of an awesome place: BLUE COAST!!!! Mmm. So yeah. . . Blue Coast at 6:00. Starbucks afterwards. Mmm.


June 27 2005
HMM..i love seeing people that you haven't seen in forever..its nice..especially if they were your first crush and they don't recognize you.....

ganked from myspace.. thought it was rather interesting...

June 27 2005
Can you raed tihs?

Olny sxey poelpe can.

cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

if you can raed tihs rpsoet it

{note: i started reading this even before i realized it was spelled wrong. haha i'm so used to not spelling things right myself, i guess..}

You Know You Love It!!!

June 27 2005
For those of you that think gospel music has gone to far.
You think we got too radical with our message.
Well I got news for you , you ain't heard nothin yet,
and if you don't know now you know. Glory, Glory!!

Lately I've been going through some things that really got me down.
I need someone somebody to help me come and turn my life around.
I can't explain, I can't obtain it. Jesus your love is so, it's so amazing.
It gets me high up to the sky, and when I think about your goodness it makes me wanna stomp.
Makes me clap my hands. Makes me wanna dance and stomp.
My brother can't you see I got the victory. STOMP!!!

When I think about the goodness and fullness of God,
makes me thankful pity the hateful I'm grateful.
The Lord brought me through this far,
trying to be cute when I praise him raise him high.
I keep the live beat bumping. Keep it jumping make the Lord feel something.
Ain't no shame in my game God's Property. Kickin' it wit Kirk ain't no stoppin' me.
uh STOMP!!!

GP are you wit me?
"oh yeah we having church we ain't going nowhere."

It ain't over. It ain't over

Heard this on the way home from work. Maybe we'll play this at the party one day!


June 27 2005


June 27 2005
Well, I think I have been persuaded to do something I thought I would never do. In a few hours, I will be in a hip-hop class, poppin' n' lockin'.

This is something that a bunch of people from the office have been planning since last week. I said no from the start (if you have ever seen me even attempt to move in any way, you know why)... 6 ft. 4 inches of awkward movement with Ichabod Crane arms... yeah.

Well, today, they finally convinced me to go with them. The whole office is pretty much doing it (I guess it was the peer pressure). So, I am going to go waste $14.50 on an hour hip-hop lesson, but it will be fun. That is the only reason that I am doing it (and to see everyone else make fools of themself too)...

So, me, Nathan Moore, in a hip-hop class... what is this world coming to? I feel the embarrassment approaching quickly... and if you happen to pass by on 74th street, please do not look through the window...


Incredible morning.

June 27 2005
It's been a while since I've been that good. I'm on an emotion high I guess you could say. Nothing's wrong, and there's a lot I can be happy for. It's really starting to feel like summer -now that all the drama's out of the way- and I'm out most nights. Eating banana splits, watchin movies, and staring at the stars. I've met a lot of new people and most of them have been great. The next couple weeks are going to be insane. I've got a few things in mind....

I just wish I knew where I'm gonna be after that. I try not to think about it much, but I feel a little lost knowing that home may not be home anymore. I refuse to go without confirmation that I AM coming back. I won't leave you.


June 27 2005
Today was a wonderful day. I slept in then got up and went and put in a couple of applications on campus. Ran into a friend that I haven't seen in FOREVER so that was cool. Then I came home for a lil while. Went to lunch with Aimee davis so that was fun. We went shopping for a friends b-day present. Then I went to hang with a friend for a lil while and now I'm home...bored. Oh yea 8 days till i'm 18! Woo hoo!! LOL!!

tina the Llama

June 27 2005
this is tina from the central park zoo. she was quite friendly...

I just wanted to share the photo :)

Florida cont.... [edit]

June 27 2005
*~*Sorry guys just posted it again for no apparent reason.....*~*
Well, lets see.....Florida should be fun if its not raining. I'm suppose to leave on Friday but i'm not sure..... Can't wait to see my cousins!!! "cough,cough" Well, most of them, just don't want all the drama.....ugh....drama sucks sometimes.............

:edit: pretty sure i just went to everyones site and left a comment. if i didn't leave you one i'm sorry. I'll try later....


June 27 2005
So, I did it! And I think I am done freaking out about it...which is a good thing. Who would have thought that giving someone that you have known for 6 months your number would be such a big ordeal? Yeah, I know it isn't...I just freak out about boys...oh, how I wish I understood them!


June 27 2005
hey guys im glad i got this. im tired of xanga i mean i dont like it nemore. I tried to get on myspace but for some reason i couldnt so i was like u noe wat screw it. so neways i got this and its pretty cool. If u wanna talk to me then u can im me or w/e.




June 27 2005
And I'm madly in love with You!

Let what we do in here
Fill the streets out there
Let us dance for You
Let us dance for You

All of my life and nothing less
I offer to You my Righteousness

What an awesome song that should be our prayer that when we come back from a big spiritual high like big stuf, ,m-fuge, or fall retreat that what we do in here (camp, fall retreat, etc.) that it will fill the streets back home! have a blessed day! hambone

el love poem

June 27 2005
slowly, my heart is bleeding
from all your staggering words
my mind is so clouded
by all the hate & the hurt
between us there used to be so much love
what happened? where did it all go?
you left me here to cry
with my head in my hands
as the days go by
I drown my self in my sorrows
lying on the floor
crying, until there is nothing left to cry
repeating in a whisper to myself
"please come back, forgive me for whatever I did,
for whatever bruise I might have left on your heart"
I'll pick up every piece, if you give me a new start
first loves are always quite dramatic
oh the tragedy it causes me
I cant get you out of my head
or even my heart
I dream about you
at night & in the day
broken & bent
only you darling, can make it straight
my life in incomplete if you arent the one
to make everything okay...

okay okay, I did write this.
I do alot of writing, I have for awhile.
It get my emotions out all at once
so then I wont have to explode & take it
out on people :] ya know?

i am officially retarded.

June 27 2005
so. i am officially retarded. last thursday, i went to the DMV (where you get your permit/license). i was all excited because i was gonna finally get my permit. so i sat down for about an hour and waited amongst the original Hairy Beast from the East, about 45 mexicans, the scariest looking man ever, and the cutest baby ever. so i went back there to take the test, (right next to a wigger in a giant south pole shirt) and i failed it. i got through 21 questions, but it cut me off because i missed 7. they engineer that test to where any Woodbury inbred could ace it, but nooooo...not me. wow. i feel so dumb. but i am actually studying now, and i'm going back on thursday to re-take it. and i will pass it this time. but aside from's funny how God throws people back into my life. and it's also funny how randomly i develop feelings for people. i am such a fickle human being. like, i like this person, but i can't help feeling like it's only for stupid reasons. i don't think i would like this person if i just randomly walked up to them on the street. so i'm just really mixed up right now. also...yesterday, i went to the library. i decided to go across the street and get a Jones soda. but on the way, i just stopped right in front of the courthouse, and it was like i was in a weird movie. There was absolutely NOBODY on the streets, nobody on the sidewalks, and it was all darkish and breezy, and the clock was striking 5. and then this creepy looking man walks out from around the courthouse, looks at me, and keeps walking. freaky. but i guess you would have had to have been there to get the full effect. well. tonight i go to bruce's house. oh joy. what an emotional roller coaster. well, tata and cheerio for now.

p.s.---thanks for all the supportive comments...i love you guys.